
Happy New Year to you all!

A first-of-its-kind book, structured around the European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS) framework, has launched.   

The Customer Is The Planet is a handbook for sustainable business written by a collaboration of global business sustainability leaders and LinkedIn top voices from diverse fields, including Compliance, Enterprise, Activism, Human Rights, Law, and Biodiversity. 

Why now? Business leaders need to understand European Sustainability Reporting Standards. This first book of its kind is designed to be read by non-experts, as an invaluable tool on their educational journey. 

Irish Contributors: The book was spearheaded by Cork-based Donal Daly, CEO, Future Planet. Donal is a renowned sustainability expert, powered by a passion for the planet and decades of tech experience. He is an accomplished entrepreneur who has founded five successful software companies. Other Irish based contributors are International Sustainability Procurement and Supply Chain Management expert Ingrid De Doncker, and ESG Strategy and Compliance expert Orla Carolan.

International contributors include: New York based David Carlin who led the creation of UNEP FI’s risk programming, working with over 100 global financial institutions on topics of climate stress tests, risk modelling, TCFD and TNFD disclosure; Austria based Harald Friedl who spearheaded the circular transition in his home country, Austria, when he served as Circular Economy Accelerator for the Austrian Government in 2022; and London based Anna Triponel whose expertise on human rights and climate strategies has seen her advise in the development of the 2015 UN Guiding Principles Reporting Framework.

CEO of Future Planet, and lead author Donal Daly said Through this book, we are seeking to collaborate with businesses to make it easier to respond to the challenges of the climate crisis, the attendant social upheaval, and the corporate challenges – strategy, execution and compliance – that accompany the greatest business transformation challenge of our generation. This book is intended to equip changemakers in business with the knowledge to make better choices for their business, for people and for the planet, and to ease their journey.”