
Accessibility Statement

Accessibility has been defined as the ability to reach, approach, use and interacts with people, products and services. Accessibility is important for privacy.
Accessibility is beneficial to an organization and your customers because it provides the ability to access the web, especially for people with disabilities.
Accessibility needs refer to the requirements, tools that people with disabilities require to access similar services and products in the digital space.

Corporate Group is committed to making products and offer services that are accessible to anyone. Our goal is to improve access to our softwares, books and websites so that customers, employees, and users of all backgrounds and life experiences may enjoy them.

Book Formats


Nearly all our ebook content is supplied to partners in EPUB format, which natively includes basic support for accessibility features across many devices and retail platforms. We continuously aim to improve our production standards for ebooks so that we can meet the highest accessibility standards whenever possible. We are currently working toward our goal of meeting the W3C’s WCAG Level AA standards for all new EPUB content. We aspire to normalize such features in ebooks as ebook-exclusive alternative image and graphic descriptions, advanced navigation, and text-to-speech support.

Employee Programs

Employees with Disabilities

The Employees with Disabilities are welcome and do find safe space to support each other. Together, we advocate for our perspectives and needs, sharing meaningful feedback with management on company policies, as needed. We seek to work from an intersectional perspective: members of this group may describe themselves using person-first language (i.e., person with a disability) or with identity-first language (i.e., autistic person). Members do not need to disclose their diagnoses to join our group and are welcome to maintain the level of privacy that feels comfortable. Individuals who consider themselves temporarily disabled are also welcome.

Conformance Status

We are working toward making our websites compliant with W3C Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.1 AA standards or better. We include accessibility best practices as part of new designs and incorporate feedback from colleagues to improve and test accessibility.

Supplier Diversity

As a leading book publisher and software developer, we believe in the importance of creating positive economic impact in the communities we serve. Corporate Group is committed to supporting and working with diverse businesses and suppliers across gender, race, ethnicity, socioeconomic background, sexual orientation, veteran, and disability status.

If you are a vendor or supplier and would like to work with us, please feel free to contact us.


Corporate Group takes its commitment to accessibility seriously. We wish to offer the best possible experience for our customers, so consumer feedback is a critical part of our product development process.

If you have any thoughts, suggestions, or recommendations to improve accessibility, we would love to hear from you. Thank you!