Modern Slavery Statement (Sustainability)


Modern slavery takes many forms including slavery, servitude, forced and compulsory labour, child exploitation and human trafficking, all of which have in common the deprivation of a person's liberty by another in order to exploit them for personal or commercial gain. 
Corporate Group remains committed to continually improving our practices to combat slavery and human trafficking, protecting and respecting human rights.

Our structure

Corporate Group is renowned for high quality, internationally publishing, research and software innovation. We make a positive difference to people’s lives. With a truly global outlook, we are an inclusive and inspiring business community present on three continents.
The Group structure includes seven subsidiary companies. The Group is made up of Oak Tree Press (Cork Publishing Ltd), Cork (IE), JMB Verlag AG, Bulle (CH), Corporate Copyright SA, Brussels (BE), Edi•Pro, Seraing (BE), LBRP SRL, Herentals (BE), EasyDoc SRL, Brussels (BE), and Acrobat SRL, Brussels (BE).

Our policy on slavery and human trafficking

In pursuit of our activities Corporate Group procures a truly diverse range of goods, services and works. 
We recognise that it is possible for instances of modern slavery to occur in any supply chain, therefore we are committed to acting ethically and with integrity and will not tolerate modern slavery or human trafficking in our supply chains.


We promote resources and increase awareness to our staff through our internal Notion pages. This includes access to e-learning modules on the following topics;
  • Guide to Modern Slavery
  • Protecting Human Rights in the Supply Chain.
We also promote externally available resources to staff.

Our supply chains 

The Corporate Group supply chains are truly diverse, with over 150 suppliers (domestic and international) supporting our delivery of high-quality books and softwares.
All suppliers are assigned a commodity code helping to identify those who trade in commodities where potential for Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking is a higher risk. This insight is used to inform our sourcing activity. 
The highest risk commodities areas have been identified as;
  • Audio-Visual, IT & Multimedia Supplies; 
  • Catering Supplies & Services; 
  • Furniture, Furnishings & textiles; 
  • Janitorial & Domestic Supplies & Services;
  • Professional & Bought-in Services including consultancy;
  • Travel & Transport (incl. Vehicle hire & Subsistence);
  • Estates & Buildings.