Oak Tree Press and the Environment

Our Group is committed to sustainable development

Corporate Group rolls out concrete initiatives such as responsible paper management and decreased carbon footprint.

Recycled or certified paper

Oak Tree Press uses paper that is recycled or certified by the recognized FSC (Forest Stewardship Council) and PEFC (Pan-European Forest Certification) labels. They ensure traceability and guarantee that the paper is sourced from sustainably managed forests where biodiversity is thriving.

Reduce overproduction

Our publishing houses help to limit overproduction by scaling print runs to meet sales potential and using print-on-demand (POD) technology.

POD technology helps to reduce paper use and the greenhouse gas emissions linked to production, storage and transport. Corporate Group can print single copies on demand for low-turnover titles (around 50 copies per year) thanks to a partnership with Lightning Source.

Automatic reprinting ensures publishers always have just the right number of copies in stock. Our Ingram solutions manage production overseas (United States and Australia) with local publishing and distributing.