
Read the reviews of our upcoming title The Customer is the Planet

The Customer is the Planet: A handbook for sustainable business is a powerful blueprint that redefines business success by putting the planet first. The book explores urgent issues such as climate change, pollution, water resources, and biodiversity, and offers sharp insights and actionable strategies for businesses to embed sustainability at every level. With a strong focus on emerging regulatory frameworks and reporting obligations, the book is an essential resource for forward-thinking leaders committed to long-term, planet-friendly growth. A must-read for anyone serious about integrating sustainability into their business model.

ROBERTA BOSCOLO, Climate & Energy Leader, World Meteorological Organization

What an incredible book! It’s easy to read and clearly explains what’s at stake for companies in terms of sustainability, offering valuable insights on how to embark on this journey. Highly inspiring for ESG practitioners, it’s a must-read for decision-makers and employees aiming to position their company in a rapidly changing world where sustainability is crucial.

SEBASTIAN JURAS, Sustainability & Transformation Director, Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise

A brilliant dissection of what we are getting so very wrong in today's society and economy and how we can put it right. It brings structure and clarity to the complex amalgam of science, policy, reporting and standards that so often acts as an impediment to action. And, crucially, it puts people at the heart of the problem and the solution.

MIKE BARRY, Strategic Advisor on Sustainable Business and former Director of Sustainable Business, Marks & Spencer

A ‘how to’ handbook that is a great read for any sustainability and circular economy professional – for beginners and experts alike. It's great to see various practices, topics and new trends that we have to manage in a business on a daily basis come together in one piece. It’s an easy and practical read – and sharpens the vision: why we are all doing this. A 'purpose book' that hopefully many get to read!

HARALD TEPPER, Global Lead – Circular Economy, EcoDesign & ESG Transformation, Royal Philips

The Customer is the Planet is a must-read for any business leader serious about sustainability. It's not just a guide – it's a call to action that challenges us to rethink our impact and make meaningful changes that benefit both people and the planet.

GEOFF HUCKER, CEO & Founder, Work for Impact

If you're looking to get serious about sustainability in your business, The Customer is the Planet is the guide you need. It’s packed with practical tips and real talk on how to put the planet at the heart of what you do. Honestly, it’s a must-read if you care about making a difference while staying successful.

DAN SHERRARD-SMITH, Founder & CEO, MotherTree

The authors skilfully guide readers through the history of climate change, offering a clear explanation of its key drivers while sharing their insightful vision for the future. The Customer is the Planet provides crucial illumination for businesses navigating the increasing tide of regulations and shifting public sentiment. As a company committed to decarbonising cement, reducing the environmental footprint of steel manufacturing and aggregates processing, and conserving vital natural resources, this book has been instrumental in refining our strategic approach to an ever-evolving business landscape. The Customer is the Planet outlines a comprehensive roadmap of forthcoming laws, regulations, expectations, and enforcement, empowering business leaders to prepare effectively for the challenges ahead.

REUBEN MAXBAUER, Director, Edw. C. Levy Co.

A compelling and thorough guide to transforming every aspect of our businesses to truly reach sustainability. The Customer is the Planet also provides motivation, a moral case for change and a hopeful image of the future world we could leave our descendants. Great work.

MARK SCHRUPP, Executive Director, Detroit/Wayne County Port Authority

The Customer is the Planet is a transformative guide that flips the script on traditional business thinking, making it clear that the planet isn't just a stakeholder – it's the ultimate customer. The book masterfully illustrates how aligning with natural systems isn't just ethical; it's a strategic necessity for businesses to thrive in a world where sustainability drives success. It's a wake-up call for companies to rethink their impact and see environmental stewardship as the core of their business model. This book aligns perfectly with our ethos at Oxygen Conservation, where we believe that businesses can – and must – be a force for good. By integrating environmental considerations into every decision, companies can unlock new opportunities and contribute to a regenerative economy. The Customer is the Planet is essential reading for anyone serious about leading their business into a sustainable future.

RICH STOCKDALE, Ph.D., Founder & CEO, Oxygen Conservation

The Customer is the Planet will help you navigate a path from why, to what if, to how might we? The book gives you space to really think about what’s possible and the confidence that together we can shape a much better world where everyone and everything thrives.


The Customer is the Planet is not just a book; it is a manifesto calling on us to act with urgency and hope for our environment. As a repository of insightful contributions from leading sustainability thought-leaders, this book stands as a beacon of inspiration. It underscores that the journey towards sustainability isn't just about individual action but about global collaboration. At illuminem.com, we resonate deeply with this message, seeing it reflected in the dedication of our global community who look up to these thought-leaders for guidance and example. This extraordinary book serves not only as a message of hope but as a profound symbol of collaborative potential across countries and topics, united in a singular mission for our planet. 

ANDREA GORI, Founder & CEO, Illuminem

An innovative sustainability book structured around the European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS) framework. Renowned interdisciplinary experts connect together their pieces of knowledge and experience, offering us an enlightened vision of the sustainability challenges and ways to act. An inspiration for anyone leading or supporting businesses through their sustainable transition.


I read the book with a very open mind. Daily, I am developing biobased construction-materials, and there is no doubt that we have to shift from the oil-based to a bio-based economy. This book is a fantastic guide to help businesses transition and find a balance between a healthy planet and a future for us and our next generations. 


At long last, a book has emerged that captures the essence of a truly Earth-centric perspective: The Customer is the Planet is a guerilla guide for world changers, impact entrepreneurs, and passionate activists. Collaboratively penned by 17 visionary thought-leaders, it generously delves into every crucial sustainability concept, illuminating them with clear examples. Now every adventurer eager to shape a sustainable future has a navigation map.

STEFAAN VANDIST, author & keynote speaker; Senior Storytelling Coach, We Are Impact Collective

The Customer Is the Planet is a book that truly understands the challenges faced by sustainability leaders today, offering a timely shift in focus from carbon to ecosystems, nature, and biodiversity. The authors provide practical strategies to help business leaders consider their reliance on the more-than-human world, and how to reconcile this crucial relationship.

LARA BIRKES, former Chief Sustainability Officer, Hewlett Packard Enterprise; Sonder Inc., Director of Strategic Partnerships & Initiatives, Virgin Unite, Biomimicry enthusiast, ESG advisor, board member, and wildlife advocate

At a perplexing and worrying time, we at last get a single powerful book that brings together everything that a genuinely sustainable business should think about and act on. It’s all here: personal insights, deep expertise, clear explanations and, above all, the reassuring sense that sympathetic hands are guiding and nudging us towards a safer pathway.

DAVID SHUKMAN, Science Editor, BBC News, turned independent consultant, speaker and moderator

Now more than ever, sustainability is becoming a moral imperative. I am honoured to provide a testimonial for this book. Referencing the European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS) as guiding principles, The Customer is the Planet takes us on a journey through key sustainability topics to a key message: the planet is our first and ultimate customer and stakeholder. Through thought-provoking questions and frameworks, the authors use storytelling to inspire us to live a truly sustainable life with our planet. Whether you are a seasoned sustainability professional or a newcomer, there is something you can learn from this book. The collective effort of The Customer is the Planet is a stark reminder of what we need now the most: a collective effort to curb carbon emissions, reverse climate change and set ourselves on a path of true sustainability.

GIULIA MARZETTI, former European Commission Policy Officer and TEDx Speaker