
Starting A Business in Ireland, 8th edition featured in Irish Examiner's top business reads of 2023!

Starting a Business in Ireland by Brian O'Kane by John Daly


For over 30 years through seven printings, the book has taken readers through all the stages in starting a business, including: getting started, researching your idea and market, writing your business plan; and financing.


This latest 8th edition has an added final chapter, Moving to Ireland to Start a Business, offering advice to non-residents on business incentives, business structures and taxation, and residency requirements. The book also includes the most comprehensive directory available of State, EU and private sector organisations that provide assistance to start-ups and small businesses.



"It seemed to immediately strike a chord with the emerging class of Irish entrepreneurs, many of whom have found their way not just onto the national stage, but internationally too," the author explained of the early editions. "It is to them - and not to me - that the real credit must go. Ireland's entrepreneurs have proved themselves, time and time again, through two recessions and a global financial crash. They have made a name for themselves - and for Ireland - for innovation forward-thinking, teamwork and clever execution.


"In 2023, I am struck by how much has changed - most of all, in public

attitude towards enterprise, small business and start-ups. Where previously the 'proper job' - one with a pension after a lifetime of service - was the be-all-and-end-all, there's now a genuine interest across Irish society in entrepreneurship".