
The Story of Timbertrove

Henry and I would like to share a story with you.

It’s a story of two young people, from ordinary backgrounds, who both left school early, mad keen to work, and who found they shared the same dreams of success.

It’s a story of how we succeeded in achieving our dreams – through hard work, ongoing learning, a lot of help and a bit of luck.

It’s a story of how we overcame two recessions – though the last one almost cost us everything – through sheer self-belief and determination.

It’s a story of a small family business, with super, hard-working, loyal employees, that grew and retrenched – and grew again.

It’s a story of the challenges of running a small business today – the day-in, day-out grind, the obstacles and hassles.

It’s a story of the joy of running a small business today – meeting and serving customers, freedom in decision-making, seeing the direct results of your efforts.

It’s a story – beginning again in the third-generation – of a family of entrepreneurs.

Most of all, it’s our story – the story of Shirley and Henry, of O’Kelly’s Sawmills and Timbertrove, of up and downs, good times and bad.

And it’s the story of our dreams made real.